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Acknowledgements    Waterfall    Men in Space    Wake Up!    Sunshine    Big Girl    Maiden's Song    Lazy    The Flow    Always Together    To Bring Up a Child    Phil the Fluter


Come watch the waterfall falling down
It is so beautiful but you can drown
And the water is falling, it's making me all wet
all soaking wet

Sit on the window-sill, watch the town
You can see everything, but don't look down
And if you start falling there ain't no safety net

Ee-aah, ee- aah, a - a - a - aaaaa
Ee-aah, ee- aah, a - a - a - aaaaa

Come by the fire-side, take a seat
It's warm and cosy here, but watch the heat
And the fire will burn anything to ashes

The cars are rushing by, it's unreal,
You can go anywhere, but hold the wheel
And it's always OK till the day it crashes

Ee-aah, ee- aah, a - a - a - aaaaa
Ee-aah, ee- aah, a - a - a - aaaaa

The temptation is always at hand
It's the beauty we don't understand

It goes:
Ee-aah, ee- aah, ee- aah, a - a - a - aaaaa
Ee-aah, ee- aah, e-e- ee-e-e- ee-aah
Come watch the waterfall falling down
It is so beautiful but you can drown
And the water is falling, it's making me all wet
all soaking wet