Musik har alltid varit en stor del av mitt liv. Musik sker i nuet. Spelar du in det du gör kan du lyssna på det förflutna. Skriver du ner musiken kan du ana musiken i framtiden. Här kan du lyssna på min inspelade musik.
Flying high they want to go
Leave the sky deep down below
Russian men got bored one day,
there wasn't any fun
One of them he rose his head
and looked up at the sun
If it flies then so can we,
we'll leave this stinking place
So they launched a rocket
and they put a man in space
Flying high ...
Jealousy can drive a man
just crazy any day
We want to go up there to,
said men of USA
Do something about it
and you've gotta make it soon
So they launched a rocket
and a man was on the moon
Flying high ...
All around the planet
there are people in despair
Some of them look up the sky
and think there's something there
They will leave this place behind them
soon because they know
there will come salvation
in a shiny UFO
Flying high ...
In a shiny UFO