Musik har alltid varit en stor del av mitt liv. Musik sker i nuet. Spelar du in det du gör kan du lyssna på det förflutna. Skriver du ner musiken kan du ana musiken i framtiden. Här kan du lyssna på min inspelade musik.
Hold on, you are strong
even though you are falling
please hold on
to the power of love
You are not alone
there is somebody listening
please hold on
to the power of love
Times may come and go
There's no way you can know
Where the wind will blow
Who is here to stay
There's no way you can say
You just have to pray
Hold on, you're the one
there is nobody coming
please hold on
to the power of love
Thoughts fly through the night
you're thinking that you might
tell the wrong from right
When you close your eyes
to find the truth inside
it could all be lies
In the twilight zone
you are fighting your shadow
please hold on
to the power of love
Hold on…