Musik har alltid varit en stor del av mitt liv. Musik sker i nuet. Spelar du in det du gör kan du lyssna på det förflutna. Skriver du ner musiken kan du ana musiken i framtiden. Här kan du lyssna på min inspelade musik.
The sun is rising a new day is breaking
The morning mist is covering the fields
You had a dream but now the dream is over
It's time to face the reality
Can you feel it - acoming
Can you feel it, your own despair
The water's running and the times are changing
But you're not gonna get nowhere
There is a time for joy, a time for sorrow
But sometimes seems to be no time at all
And all the plans you had for tomorrow
are gone before the break of dawn
Times are changing now…
And all the people are still asleep
wrapped inside fantastic dreams
But you can't wake them you're on your own now
to find out what it means to be
You can feel the heartbeat and hear the warning
that lies within the morning breeze
But whatever you were holding on to
is gone forever, you will see
Can you …