Musik har alltid varit en stor del av mitt liv. Musik sker i nuet. Spelar du in det du gör kan du lyssna på det förflutna. Skriver du ner musiken kan du ana musiken i framtiden. Här kan du lyssna på min inspelade musik.
Calling, talking
trying to be nice
Giving me some
motherly advice
Telling me just
how to live my life
I'm not listening
For every single step I'm taking forward
you are always there to hold me back
Maybe it's a game you keep on playing
Well, I've got no time for that
I keep saying:
"I am doing fine
I can solve my
problems any time
Can't you see you're
really out of line?"
You're not listening
For every single step I'm taking forward
you are always there to hold me back
Maybe it's a game you keep on playing
Well, I've got no time for that
And you should know I'm trying to be patient
with all the little things you do or say
Maybe it's a different road I'm travelling
But you're getting in my way!
For every single step...
For every single step...