Musik har alltid varit en stor del av mitt liv. Musik sker i nuet. Spelar du in det du gör kan du lyssna på det förflutna. Skriver du ner musiken kan du ana musiken i framtiden. Här kan du lyssna på min inspelade musik.
In a moment of time
when the sun cease to shine
there is hope and destruction for us all
You can find your own light
in the dead of the night
Lead your mind to salvation. Just be true!
Got a lot on my mind
there is not enough time
Got my head full of fiction and ideas
I can reach out and touch
there is never enough
Guess I'm walking with angels just like you
Ahead, I'm always ahead
Keeping it all in my mind
I know I've felt it inside
long before it materialized
So this will come as no surprise to me
Holding on to the ground
that's what's keeping me sound
Holding out when the hard winds start to blow
In the heart of my soul
there is no place to go
I can feel the creation coming through